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keysweb.info - our hosting and banner special package
Combine a banner with a hosting program and get a annual site evaluation - FREE (a $150 bonus)

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 Installed any relevant keysweb page for 1 low fee of $125.year





Want an animated banner or display ad? We will be happy to quote a fee for a flash
or gif animated banner you will own (you can use it on other sites as well).


Promoting Your website...
These banners will drive highly targeted traffic to your website - and all at your competitor's expense. If your website doesn't show up in keyword searches and ours does - this can provide a real boost to the effectiveness of your website.

Want to see some actual samples of happy clients of our keysweb ?



Site hosting with all the bells & whistles - $150 per year




Our dedicated server provides fast reliable web hosting with a guaranteed 99% uptime. The server is secure and has 24-7 monitoring and maintenance.

  • Unlimited bandwidth & storage for most accounts

  • Your own email accounts that you can set up and maintain

  • 3 separate stats programs, see who is looking at your site, where they came from and a variety of other pertinent info you can use to enhance your site's performance.

  • All the bells and whistles you will need, databases and other programs are installed and ready for you.

We help make web sites work!

The next step to web success. We will optimize your site convert more visitors into sales and bring in more targeted traffic thru higher search rankings, links and Adword campaigns.
We have local references - your neighbors and friends who are already realizing much higher profits than ever before.

Call Don

(706) 897-3059



The Package

(Our web reviews start at $125)

  • We will analyze your stats, give you a report on how you are doing compared to past performance

  • We will suggest coding and content changes to enhance rankings and sales conversions

  • We will apprise you of other promotional opportunities, free and fee-based that can draw targeted traffic to your site

We will not offer this service and maintain your site, this service is designed to act in your interest, not ours.