Mailing Address:
Don Patterson/
40 Beachcomber Lane #2
Englewood, FL 34223
Cell: (706) 897-3059 |
Just who the heck is Don Patterson?
We admit, he's a transplanted Yankee.
Originally from Michigan, he was living full time in the Grassy Key since
2001 and been a part-time resident for the past 20 years, well, until
Hurricane Wilma got him. Now he's in the N GA mountains in the summer and on the
beach in Englewood, FL during the winter.
Semi-retired from a construction and computer consultant
background, Don was left with too much time on his hands and he saw
a need for this type of web site - and here we are.
Joking aside, the creation of this website is basically to make a
buck, actually, a lot of bucks. The difference is how we do it. List everybody &
everything for free and get a database of valuable content that visitors can
really use - easily & without the usual BS that webs throw at you. Our linking &
other fees are pretty low, giving everyone a chance at the pie, not just a few that
would pay big bucks to appear.
Will this web work? You better believe it. Our number one goal for
this web (and write this down to succeed in any business) is always put
the consumer first. If you do that, once they get over the shock of
someone actually doing what they promised to do in an orderly and efficient
manner and a fair fee, they will be your partner for life.
This web currently garners around 10,000 visitors a month with an
average of just under 3 page views each - and is growing every month. It works.
We now offer
web development
and web optimization for large and small businesses, from just a simple page to
get your feet wet to highly data based ecommerce sites.
Use this email link
to query the head cheese!
Let us know what you think about our service, we can take a bit of flak
and look forward to suggestions for improvement
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